Route to Unstoppable Journaling Adventure
Grab a notepad and begin a wonderful new adventure. These 29 journaling prompts will take you into the wilderness of your bold mind where you’ll discover how to conquer fear and achieve.
How To Do Stream of Consciousness Journaling
[4-Minute Video + Notes]This short video talks you through the benefits of Stream of Consciousness Journaling and how to do it as part of the Route To Unstoppable Journaling Adventure.
Day 1: Fighting Through Fear
[Audio + Journaling Prompt]Before we can launch into our adventure, we need to make some preparations. Your first preparation activity is to define the gap that you currently feel.
Day 2: Dumping Excess Baggage
[Audio + Journaling Prompt]We have a wardrobe full of old beliefs and artefacts from past experiences. We pull them out whenever we get scared about the unknown journey ahead.
Day 3: What You Like About You
[Audio + Journaling Prompt]For every negative thing you say about yourself, there are five wonderful things you are ignoring. Today, you start writing a long list of your mental and emotional assets.
Day 4: Derailing Behaviours
[Audio + Journaling Prompt]There is a chain of events that happens between the moment when you have the thought of self-doubt and when you enact the behaviour that it triggers.
Day 5: Recovery Techniques
[Audio + Journaling Prompt]While derailing behaviours can knock us off course to our goals, we don’t tend to let them stop us. We have learned ways of recovering from the setback.
Day 6: Why Self-Doubt Keeps Biting
[Audio + Journaling Prompt]Today, you get to see what’s really going on in your mind that keeps you locked in the cycle of questioning your abilities.
Day 7: Choose Your Wildest Adventure
[Audio + Journaling Prompt]I have just waved my magic wand in your direction and eradicated self-doubt from your life. Now, you can do whatever your imagination desires.
Day 8: Feel The Adrenaline
[Audio + Journaling Prompt]When thinking about your wildest adventure, what triggers adrenaline?
Day 9: Scary Stories
[Audio + Journaling Prompt]What are the scary stories that you’re carrying around in your mind about your wildest adventure? Where did you hear those stories, or are they based on past experience?
Day 10: Seeing The Fear
[Audio + Journaling Prompt]Practice, practice, practice. That’s the way you get good at seeing all the fear that is stopping you from living your wild adventure.
Day 11: Fear Thrives In Dark Corners
[Audio + Journaling Prompt]Fear is like poisonous fungi in our minds. It thrives in dark corners where we never bother to look and feeds on vagueness, generalisations and myth.
Day 12: Define Your Impossible
[Audio + Journaling Prompt]Too many self-help guides want us to remove the word impossible from our vocabulary, but in reality, there are some things in my life that are impossible.
Day 13: What Already Exists
[Audio + Journaling Prompt]Fear causes us to focus on everything that we don’t know and don’t have. Today, we are going to change that.
Day 14: What Could Go Wrong
[Audio + Journaling Prompt]You’re planning to do something for the first time, and then a whole heap of what-if questions start firing in your brain.
Day 15: Manage The Risk
[Audio + Journaling Prompt]Too often, we stop at the question: “What could go wrong?” and fail to ask the third vital question in breaking the bond between risk and fear.
Day 16: What’s Your New Possible?
[Audio + Journaling Prompt]I have now learned that it wasn’t me that was faulty, it was my planning process. So I have developed a new one and you’ll learn that in the days ahead.
Day 17: Why Extrinsic Motivation Fails
[Audio + Journaling Prompt]Today, we switch our attention to action. Now that you are starting to let go of self-doubt, what are you going to do with the emerging freedom?
Day 18: Ignite Your Intrinsic Motivation
[Audio + Journaling Prompt]Do you recall times in your life when you have worked intensely on something and time stood still? Hours passed by, and it felt like minutes.
Day 19: Listen To Your Intuition
[Audio + Journaling Prompt]‘Intuition’ is the label we put on the group of signals our unconscious mind sends to help guide us in the right direction.
Day 20: Soul-Deep Important To You
[Audio + Journaling Prompt]Your life will have to change if you want to be passionately working on things that are soul-deep important to you.
Day 21: Create Joy In Your Every Day
[Audio + Journaling Prompt]You get to live your happiness now, but you must choose to express what is already deep inside you rather than longing to be someone else.
Day 22: Spice Up Your Wild Idea
[Audio + Journaling Prompt]For a long time, I thought my feelings of fear made me weak and vulnerable. But then I learned that my fear is the root of my being unstoppable.
Day 23: Your Personal Mission
[Audio + Journaling Prompt]The true purpose of an adventure is not the outcome that you envisage. There is a greater purpose and something inside you that needs to emerge.
Day 24: Take The Next Step Only
[Audio + Journaling Prompt]If I have no idea what I am doing, then the next step will involve learning. If I am on familiar ground, then I will prioritise tasks based on urgency and impact.
Day 25: Phase Out Old Habits
[Audio + Journaling Prompt]Today, you’ll reflect on your progress toward leaving behind some old habits that no longer serve you.
Day 26: Normalise The Extraordinary
[Audio + Journaling Prompt]I’m not talking about dulling down your adventurous life. I mean, make your ideal version of life your new normal.
Day 27: Micro-Steps of Progress
[Audio + Journaling Prompt]Every day gives opportunities to make those micro-steps of progress, regardless of your circumstances.
Day 28: Pulling Your Team Together
[Audio + Journaling Prompt]It is way more fun to share your journey with other people, and it’s also can produce bigger results.
Day 29: Precious Moments In Time
[Audio + Journaling Prompt]Pick a precious moment in time that will happen when you live your mission and write about it today.