Arrive awesome. That has become my mantra when running an ultramarathon. For me, the joy is in the journey, not chasing a time.
Published Stories
I Spy was a concept I developed and co-wrote with Vicki Woolley to encourage Australian and New Zealand trail runners to learn more about their running environment.
When is Hot Too Hot?
In November 2014, I ran a solo ultramarathon of 860km over 12 days through remote and regional areas of New South Wales. The average daily temperature through these areas in November soars to the mid-forties and above.
Snakes on the Trail
I looked down and there, perfectly blended into the dark soil and humus of the steep creek bank, was the tail-end of a black snake.
Fat Ass Revival
Where experienced runners run in no-fee events, with no prizes, no aid and no wimps. That’s the opening line of the fat ass world website.
How Bad Do You Want It?
As a runner have you ever noticed the amount of pain we are willing to put ourselves through to earn shiny trinkets?
Peruvian Skies
I could barely make the shape of the roof of our refuge below us. We had started our climb during the night and the circle of mountains around us still wore heavily its cloak of darkness; the gracious, silent peaks bearing witness to our labour.
Far Away from ‘Normal’
Trail running comes with risks. Beginner and experienced trail runners alike talk to me about the difficulties of isolation, navigation, a variable environment…
In the Footsteps of Incas
Wen Sulem contacted me after I posted on my Facebook page about an upcoming running adventure in South America. A complete stranger by every measure except one – the passion for trails that binds us all.
A Moment of Being Braver Than My Fears
It only takes a tiny drop of imagination to turn the mundane into an adventure - a minute shift in perspective, a moment of being a little bit braver, a willingness to breathe deep and step forward. Two years ago, a friend and I were living our typical afternoon...
Picture Perfect Middle Earth
It was twelve months ago, yet the impression of the scene remains fresh. Memories of perfection will do that; linger far beyond their time and just beyond the reach of the words to describe them.
The Trail That Led Me To Laguna de Inca, Santiago Chile
The feeling happens inside of me. It’s like a delicious ping of the good juice. The release of endorphins, or a similar body chemical, tells me to get curious. If I am smart, I follow its direction. Six months ago, I recommitted to learning Spanish. It was obvious to...